Prices For Osteopath Appointments

New Patient Appointment - £60 (From 17th September 2023)
The New Patient Appointment costs £60 and includes a detailed case history, including questions about past medical history and general health.
This is followed by a detailed examination - assessment of all spinal movements and any other movements if necessary.
Orthopaedic tests and passive moments of the spine and limbs help to determine the diagnosis. This will be explained in depth at the end of treatment.
Treatment consists of passively mobilising joints, soft tissue techniques, stretching muscles, advice on exercises with the objective of reducing pain and preventing this injury from re-occurring.
During treatment occasionally some discomfort may be felt, but it should not be too painful.
For the examination you will be requested to undress as far as your underwear, but only if you are comfortable with this - it is therefore advisable to bring a pair of shorts or leggings and to make use of the towels available.
You are welcome to bring a friend or family member into the treatment room with you.

Returning Patient Osteopath Appointments -
£40 (From 17th September 2023)
Returning Patient Osteopath Appointments last for a minimum of 30 minutes and cost £40. Some re-assessment of the presenting complaint is done prior to the hands-on treatment.
This is usually a shorter treatment than the first one, so costs less.
Payment Methods

We accept payment by Cash, All Major Bank and Credit Cards, Cheque, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Visa, V Pay, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express and Bank Transfer.