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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Osteopathy?Osteopathic treatment is a person-centred manual therapy, system of diagnosis and treatment, focusing on the whole body with the objective of helping your body’s own healing mechanisms to restore the body’s functional and structural balance. Osteopaths are often described as treating the individual rather than the condition: when treating a patient, they consider biological, psychological and social factors, instead of viewing a symptom or injury in isolation. Osteopathy is distinctive in the fact that it recognises much of the pain and disability we suffer stems from abnormalities in the function of body structure as well as damage caused to it by disease and injury. Osteopathy uses many of the diagnostic procedures used in conventional medical assessment and diagnosis. Its main strength however lies in the unique way the patient is assessed from a mechanical, functional and postural standpoint and the manual methods of treatment applied to suit the needs of the individual patient. Osteopaths work to ensure the best possible care for their patients, aiding their recovery and supporting them to help manage their conditions through a range of approaches. Osteopaths use their hands both to investigate the underlying cause of pain via a specialised sense of touch called palpation, and to carry out treatment using a variety of physical manipulative techniques. These techniques include muscle and connective tissue stretching, rhythmic joint movements and high velocity thrust techniques and massage to enhance the blood and nerve supply to tissues. Combined with education about the diagnosis and advice on exercise, diet and lifestyle, this can be a very effective ‘package’ of care.
What is an Osteopath?An Osteopath uses an established, recognised system of diagnosis and treatment laying its main emphasis on the structural integrity of the body. It is distinctive in the fact that it recognises much of the pain and disability we suffer stems from abnormalities in the function of the body structure as well as damage caused to it by disease processes. An osteopath uses many of the diagnostic procedures used in conventional medical assessment and diagnosis. Its main strength lies in the unique way the patient is assessed form a mechanical, functional and postural standpoint and the manual methods of treatment applied to suit the needs of the individual patient. It is a criminal offence for anyone in the UK to claim to be an osteopath unless they are registered with the General Osteopathic Council. Training courses generally lead to a bachelor’s degree or higher in osteopathy and consist of four years of training. Osteopaths must be covered by professional indemnity insurance for a minimum of £5 million.
Who Invented Osteopathy?Osteopathy was founded in the late 1800s by Dr Andrew Taylor Still, an American physician and surgeon who viewed the body as having the natural ability to recover from ill health when functioning effectively. He developed an approach that integrated manual techniques to affect the body function so as to enable the body to ‘restore health’. This approach officially became known as osteopathy in 1885, and in 1892 Still formed the American School of Osteopathy to teach others his methodologies. Osteopathy came to Britain in 1913, when one of Still’s students returned to London. He established the first osteopathic school, the British School of Osteopathy in 1917. Since those early days’ osteopathy has evolved significantly, informed by experience and research, to become an internationally practiced profession, recognised by the World Health Organisation and other international bodies.
What Do Osteopaths Treat?Osteopaths treat people of all ages and backgrounds with a wide range of problems related to muscles, joints, trapped nerves, repetitive strain, ligaments and other soft tissues. all manner of pain and injury and although about half of the treatments are for back pain, many other areas are treated, including neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches arising from the neck, wrist and ankle pain, knee pain, hip pain, sports injuries, elbow and tennis elbow, arthritic pain, work related pain, persistent pain stress and many more. The Osteopath treats patients with a variety of manipulation techniques, mobilisation, massage and advice on exercise to restore function and reduce pain. Our aim is to return you to your work, hobbies, interests and usual life and to help you rediscover the simple pleasures of movement and exercise, empower you to remain healthy, and feel human again. If you are unsure whether osteopathic treatment might be able to help with your condition, please contact Wrexham Osteopath. The reception team will be able to arrange for an osteopath to call you back and discuss your problem.
Will Osteopathic Treatment Be Painful?Some of the techniques employed by osteopaths may occasionally provoke mild discomfort during their application, but communication between the patient and osteopath should keep this to a minimum. Occasionally after visits patients may experience a treatment reaction with some exaggeration of their symptoms for a brief period, normally no longer than 2-3 days. This is most often not the case. Patients are encouraged to contact their osteopath if this causes concern.
How Many Appointments Will I Need?There are many different reasons why people are in pain and each person has a different way of responding to it. The average number of visits to an Osteopath is between 4-6, sometimes less and sometimes more and occasionally an extended maintenance programme is required. There is no obligation to return for more treatments but it is usually beneficial. It is the policy of this practice that if you do not respond to your treatment or if you feel that you are not getting value for money that we will discuss other alternatives and try to find a solution that works for you.
What Happens When I See An Osteopath?The purpose of the consultation is to gather the information required to establish a working diagnosis. This is the first definition of the problem and allows for the formation of a treatment plan and advice both in the short and long term. A comprehensive case history is taken that not only covers the presenting condition, but the previous medical history in some considerable detail. A thorough physical examination is conducted for which you may be asked to undress to your underwear to allow a clear view of our posture, to examine mobility and conduct a range of tests, all of which help to clarify the condition and its underlying causes. Being able to view the area concerned does help greatly, but your comfort is our priority so you may wish to bring a pair of shorts and vest top to wear during your visits. The Osteopath will then use a highly developed sense of touch, called palpation, to identify any points of weakness or excessive strain throughout the body. This will allow a full diagnosis and suitable treatment plan to be developed for you. Each patient is treated as an individual with the treatment plan geared towards their needs. Your first consultation will last approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour and allows for a thorough case history taking, examination, diagnosis, 30 minutes of hands-on treatment and advice on exercise to help you recover faster and reduce the likelihood of reoccurrence of injury. Subsequent treatments last for 30 minutes and continue the work towards resolving your issues.
What is Included in Subsequent Treatments?Following some questioning about the changes to your condition a brief re-examination is made. This allows the progression of treatment to be assessed objectively and ensures that it is adapted accordingly. During these visits both hands-on treatment is provided as well as advice regarding exercises or lifestyle modifications that will assist in your recovery. Any questions you have can be addressed along the way.
What Do I Need to Bring With Me To My Appointment?As the osteopath will want to make a full assessment of the body, some undressing may be required, so bringing a pair of shorts or vest top may be advisable. If you use reading glasses, it may be beneficial to bring them for use when completing the forms prior to treatment. Any x-ray or MRI reports from previous investigations may be helpful along with a list of any medications, vitamins or supplements that you take. You are welcome to bring a friend or relative with you for your support and to act as a chaperone.
Do I Need To Consult My GP Before Seeing An Osteopath?Generally not. Most patients self-refer without first consulting their GP. If you have severe health problems and a complex medical history then you may wish to consult your GP to ensure that osteopathic treatment is appropriate.
How Should I Dress For Treatment?In order to conduct a thorough examination and effective treatment it can be helpful to view the patient in their underwear/a pair of shorts or leggings. We have a changing area in the treatment room for your use. Please be assured that we will always endeavour to respect your modesty and adapt to your concerns and needs.
What Happens If I Cannot Attend An Appointment?We all lead busy lives and things can pop up unexpectedly, so I completely understand if you cannot make an appointment for whatever reason. Unlike many other clinics, it is currently Wrexham Osteopath clinic policy not to charge for missed appointments. It is greatly appreciated however if you could let us know beforehand if you are unable to attend, so that you can re-schedule your appointment. Text messages can be sent to 07472 989 449.
How Much Do Treatments Cost?The initial consultation is £50 and subsequent treatments cost £30. For more details, click this link: Prices
How Soon Can I Make An Apppoinment?There is no waiting list, most people get seen within a few hours of making an appointment. If you are in a hurry to be seen, please text 07472 989 449 and we will see what we can do! To book your appointment, visit our booking page
What Is Your Data Protection/GDPR Policy?Osteopathic clinics are required to retain information for the purpose of consultation for treatment, recording subsequent treatments and for the use by third party medical practitioners only at the request of the patient in writing. All information, whether written or digital will be stored for as long as the patient remains a patient of the clinic and thereafter for a period of 7 years (until the age of 21 for children). All information provided will be treated as confidential and will not be given to any other person or organisation without the written consent of the patient concerned. However, some basic (non-medical) details such as name, address and phone number may be shared with an off-site receptionist. Your details will not be used for sending marketing purposes. CCTV is in operation only in the public areas of the clinic (stairs, landing and reception area) for the prevention of antisocial behaviour. Contact for more details or to request footage. Footage is retained for 30 days, in compliance with regulations set by the information commission.
Where Is Wrexham Osteopath Clinic?Wrexham Osteopath Clinic is the yellow building on Bank Street in Wrexham town centre, near Marubbi's cafe and Bank Street Social. The nearest car park is Market Street Carpark, which is a 2 minute walk away. At the time of writing, most council owned carparks in Wrexham Town Centre are free after 11am. The address is 5A Bank Street, Wrexham Town Centre, postcode: LL11 1AH. For more details on how to find us, click this link: Find Us.
How Can I Make A Complaint?We aim to ensure that your experience at our clinic is helpful and professional. All feedback and suggestions are greatfully received. If you feel unhappy in any way regarding your visit, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can try to rectify the issue. We aim to deal with all concerns as quickly and efficiently as possible. You can contact us by Phone, Text, What'sApp, Facebook, Post, and Email. Details of which can be found on our contact details page here: Contact Details
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